Friday, January 30, 2009

Tagged in Facebook, use for blog...

I still can't understand how so many people have time for the social media thing. I don't et my laundry done as it is...

Anyhooo. .. did this in facebook and thought, hey let's post something over here. If you feel so inclined, do it yourself and drop me an email, twitter me, facebook me, whatever it's called and I might see it when I dig out from my never ending pile of things-to-do-that-seem-to-never-get-done.

So I present, 25 random, and possibly strange, things about me.

1. I have never plucked my eyebrows. Ever.
2. I have been married 5 years.
3. We went to Costa Rica on our honeymoon. I highly recommend it!
4. My husband and I quit drinking in August of 2008. We decided that the way we used alcohol was not honoring to God nor was it setting an example we wanted our children to see and follow.
5. After many years as an atheist, agnostic and growing up Jewish, God opened my eyes and saved me in June of 2007.
6. Being a Christian has brought me more joy, happiness and peace than I ever thought was possible and in a way I never imagined was possible.
7. I love my two girls, but would love to have a boy next time. Not sure I would know what to do with one though!
8. I have worked for The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center for almost 10 years.
9. I have a BS in Kinesiology with a minor is Psychology. I do marketing for a living and I love it!
10. I don’t understand how so many people have so much time to blog, twitter, facebook, etc. How do you guys get anything done?
11. My favorite sound in the whole wide world is the sound of my girls laughing.
12. I have a foot fetish. Don’t come near me with those things. Toe fungus commercials creep me out.
13. I used to be a personal trainer. Now I work out about once a year.
14. I have a brother and a sister that are the same age for 8 months out of the year, but the only way they are related is through me. (Technically they are both half, but I have never ever thought of them this way.)
15. I am a very selfish person. I am trying very hard to overcome that.
16. I want to be a better wife and mother than I am.
17. I am really bad and keeping up with people.
18. Most weeks I don’t go anywhere except Walmart and Church.
19. I am an extremely amatuer photographer, but I would love to spend all my time taking photos.
20. I have a blog, but rarely post on it anymore. Doesn’t matter cause my 5 readers I had before have long since disappeared.
21. Both of my daughters were born the day before they were scheduled to be induced, a week late. They like the threat of induction apparently.
22. I wish I was better at doing the family thing. I am bad at keeping up with my family.
23. I went to 5 different elementary schools in two different states.
24. I lived in Mexico when I was little and spoke pretty good Spanish. That’s all gone now, despite 4 years of Spanish between 8th grade and college. You don’t use it, you lose it.
25. I am not going to tag anyone for this since most everyone who cares to do it, already has.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

To my Boo Ba

Happy 3rd Birthday (yesterday) Sweetie! We love you soooooooo much. What a blessing and a joy you are to us and all those you come in contact with.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Matthew 7:13

Jesus is talking about the way to heaven. When we come to forks in the road, hard decisions, day to day life, everything, the hard way is rarely the way that we would choose. In general we choose to go the path of least resistance, which usually happens to be the path that most everyone else is on. We cave to our selfish desires to be comfortable, to have it easy, to not have to face the difficult decisions, even when we know they are the right decisions. Many times we face a situation, knowing that if we choose one way, it will be harder, but probably best in the long run and we face an option to choose the easy way and usually avoid any discomfort, but also in turn avoiding not only the true issue, but the blessings we might have received had we chosen correctly.

The road to God through Christ is narrow and many choose to ignore it, choosing instead to believe that since so many more people are on the broad road, that one must be right. We find comfort in numbers, believing that the majority is always right. Sometimes the majority are just lost.

It is easy to see the wide path when looking for options, but finding the narrow path requires searching, asking tough questions, suffering consequences for our sin and moving forward in faith and trust that the God who made us and all that we know will get us through to the other side.

Friday, January 09, 2009