Saturday, April 23, 2005


Well it seems that we have another great couple trying to bring offspring into the world. I have no idea after reading my blog and some of the other Mommy/Daddy blogs one would choose to do this on purpose, but I wish her the best of luck.

I can still remember my first time. No, not that first time and yes I still remember that too but I told Jazzy I would keep this clean, although I will do requests.

The day I was told I would be a Daddy the first time still stands out in my mind. I had long given up on the fact that I would be a father. I was married for 7 years and tried to have children without any luck. I was sure that God put me up against the requirements of being a dad and decided that I was not the material that needed to be raising a child.

It had never entered into my mind when my wife sat on the stairs and teary eyed looked at me and tried to explain the situation. You see we were not married at the time. Not that it really mattered that we were married, but my heart exploded that day. Like the Grinch when his heart grew, so did mine.

I hope that Jazzy and hubby are blessed to have that feeling. Of course I won’t tell her the feelings I have the first time my child pooped on me, but that’s for another post. Good Luck Jazzy, and like I have always said, you are welcome to come over to my house I have plenty of that……..



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