I am Genuinely honored to have been mentioned on The King's site. I just don't know what to do with myself or all these wonderful comments. I am trying to respond to each and every comment, so bare with me. I also cannot wait to visit each and every one of your site's. Unfortunately, work is kicking my ass right now, so my blog life has been put in a holding pattern and it's making me pissy!
Thank you Genuine for pimping me out. You are truly The King of Blog Whores and I am truly just a protige of yours. I hope that I can live up to your reputation at least a little bit.
So in the essence of blog whoring, I have added all that have requested to my blogroll. If you don't see your name and want to be added, just leave me a comment.
Don't forget to NOMINATE your favorite blogs over at the BoB Awards.
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