Thursday, October 28, 2004

Bookworm Meme

Brandie has started the Thursday Bookworm, so here you go:

1. What would you consider your favorite book of all time? Why? (Really sell it to us... make us want to run right out and buy it!!!). The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks is a wonderful story about love and life, the ups and downs and having faith. I have probably read it 10 times. I cry at least twice every time I read it. The movie wasn't that good, but the book is

2. What would you consider the most heinous, horrible book you've ever read? Tell us why we should NEVER read it. I don't really have an answer to this one. If I can't get into a book, I won't read it.

3. Have you ever started a book and been unable to finish it? Which one, and why? Do you think you'll ever pick it up again? A lot of Steven King novels I have a hard time with because of so many characters. You are half way through the book and still developing characters.

4. How often do you read a new book? In general, how long does it take you to finish a book (minus those pesky distractions like work, sleep, school, etc.)? I have joined so I have been reading more lately. Depending on how good a book is, I can stay up all night and finish a book in two days. As a child I would go to the library and check out like 30 books and then be back in a week to get more. At that time I didn't do anything but chores and read though.

5. Have you ever liked a book so much, you read it again? I read all of Nicholas Sparks books over and over. I also will re-read Gone With the Wind on occasion.

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