"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else...God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being." ~Acts 17:24-28
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Well, I Never
How to play: Each person says something in the form of I never, such as I never kissed a boy under the bleachers. Then anyone who has done that thing, has to drink. So we are going to play, blog style. I will start. Comment on my I never as to whether or not you have done such a thing and then leave your I never comment. Be sure to be truthful and tell us all what you have and haven't done. You can comment just on the person above you and their I Never or on all the I Nevers.
Let's play a little game of I Never. Put your "I Never" in a comment and don't forget to list your drink of choice. Don't forget to drink (comment) if you have done something.
Here we go...
I have Never been arrested.
Your turn.
*Please blog responsibly.
Momma always said goals were important
My goal for 2005, as lofty as it may seem, is to win 100 credits on BE. That is all I want for myself in 2005. Well, maybe not all I want. I do so, so, so want/desire/beg to be added to The King of All Blog Whores' blogroll.
Got change for a change?
So tell me, what would you like to see here? And keep it clean!
Fat Thought
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
What day is it?
- Christmas in San Antonio.
- Snow in Houston
- Snow in Corpus Christie where MIL went first.
- No snow in San Antonio.
- Very bummed husband about no snow.
- Fun with family
- Saw Spanglish.
- Back Monday afternoon.
- Hubby with stomach flu Monday night into Tuesday morning.
- Upset stomach for me for two days, but no throwing up.
- Very happy about that.
- Two day work week.
- Very happy about that.
- Baby shower tonight for friend from Virginia.
In other news:
I am a finalist in the BoB awards for Biggest Blog Whore! Thanks to all of you that nominated me. I probably owe some of you a shout out here, and I will try as soon as I catch up. Voting begins January 1st and I truly hope that in your hungover state, you can remember to vote for me.
In my ongoing effort to become the Best Little Blog Whore in Texas, if you want a link here on my site, just leave me a comment and I will link you up Scottie!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Happy Happy Day!
Have an awesome day!
Thursday, December 23, 2004
No dice
Hippo Holidays
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Now go to the person's blog who commented before you and hit them with a snowball. And in true Michele fashion, tell them I started it. Tell them you are participating in the Jazzy Snowball Fight 2004.
Go ahead, say it... Blog Whore!
I'm all about the spirit
So, I am thankful for:
- Family to spend the holidays with
- My new digital camera that will be waiting for me when I get home! Yippee!
- Cold weather for Christmas
- Our new home
- Ice skating with friends
- The funds to take friends to lunch for their birthday's
- Friends in general.
That last one really hits home. Last night as me and some friends sat around at our second home, my friend Toto (name changed to protect the not so innocent) said something like,
Her: "Don't you just look around sometimes and feel so proud of what you have?"
Me: "of course."
Her: "I mean of the friends you have and the conversations you have." (Remember beer was involved."
Me: "I spent to many years of my life without friends, that I thank God everyday for the friends I have now. I am so very lucky to be blessed with my friends."
This seems like such a horrible statement, but it is true. But it is twofold. The first part is that I didn't have a lot of friends growing up because we moved a lot. I was a book worm. I was shy and kept to myself. The second part was that when I did meet people and become friends, I had trouble trusting that they really liked me and so I was constantly trying too hard to make sure people liked me. This tends to push people away rather than pull them. I have learned to make friends, and keep friends and be a friend.
Sorry for the ramble, but it continues... yesterday in the middle of the work day, people from my office were summoned to our main lobby for a presentation. I had not heard about what was going on, but when I did hear, I had to see the look on her face when she received her presents. It seems that a lady here at work has had a hard year. I don't know all the details, but she was struggling to be able to buy presents for her daughter. Several people on property pitched in, and unbeknownst to her, bought her presents to give to her daughter and one for herself. The presents were wrapped, a letter from Santa was drafted and we dangled a carrot in front of her to get her to the lobby. She didn't quite understand what was going on and she tried to start distributing the presents to those of us standing in the lobby. Her daughter and I have the same name so I had to keep telling her that the presents weren't for me. Finally someone spoke up and explained and she started crying.
This was such a wonderful thing to be able to do for another person and it drilled in how absolutely blessed I am. Sometimes we get lost in the season and we forget what it is really about. So if you have the means, do something for someone that can't do for themselves this season. I know a lot of you already have. God bless and happy holidays.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Nothin' Doin'
What do you have planned for this holiday weekend?
Monday, December 20, 2004
The Spirit of Giving
As we discussed where we might give this money, and argument ensued. I won't go into details, but think for just a moment, we were arguing about charity. I'll let that sink in... Anyways.
Any suggestions on where we might donate. I would prefer to donate to a local charity, in which local means the greater Houston area. Thanks.
Kitties in need
Friday, December 17, 2004
I had lunch with a friend that is married to an alcoholic and is trying to recover her life and came back to my office to find out that one of my husband's employee's mother's is in the hospital and not doing well. I should be thankful for all the wonderful things in my life and my health, yet I'm having trouble just sitting here and functioning. I am thankful for what I have. My cup is full and runeth over. UnfortunatelyI seem to have spilled my cup on the floor of crap lately and the mop ain't working so well.
So, since I am lacking motivation, not to mention witt and charm, I leave you with this...
poo pah pee pee pub crawler, ditty doo, snap, crackle, pop, tricks are for kids (yes, I meant to spell it that way), simple minded, crudola, shnuts, spit, poo. Crap.
Smile for no reason. It makes people wonder.
Christmas Spirit
The Death of Civility
I remember a time when watching television was somewhat safe. There were very few inferences to sex and no cuss words. I am amazed that they can say ass and bitch on TV, but not shit. Why? News isn't even appropriate for children. We are slowly being desensitized to sexual inferences and violence. Wednesday night I started to watch CSI: NY and had to turn it off. It was so graphic and sick, I couldn't watch it.
A friend of mine pretty much only lets her children watch videos and I can't say I blame her. What is on TV these days is smut. Slowly we as a people are accepting this new state of TV. Shows like desperate Housewives that are all about sex only desensitize us even more. Slowly we accept that this is the norm and then we love it. I'm not saying there shouldn't be these shows. So many people like them, but on prime time television. I know the world is changing and TV is a reflection of those changes. That is what scares me.
100 or so Things (Ongoing)
100 Things... Kind of
I was born in Austin, TX on Friday the 13th.
I went to 5 different elementary schools in 2 states.
I went to 1 junior high school.
I went to 1 high school.
I went to a junior high that specialized in sports and fitness.
My last PE class was in 5th grade.
I was in drum and bugle corp in high school.
I was in high kick drill team in high school
I was a cheerleader in high school.
I never felt like I fit into any of these groups.
I didn't feel like I fit in anywhere until I was about 21.
Sometimes I still don't feel like I fit in.
I have only broken my nose and my toes.
I have sprained both ankles.
I run into walls on a regular basis. We call it wall ping pong in our house.
I smoked for almost 10 years, but quit over 2 1/2 years ago.
I didn't tell my parents I smoked for 7 years.
I got my ears pierced when I was 7. My mom did it with a needle and ice.
I won't ever get my ears pierced again.
I have my belly button pierced though. Go figure.
I have zero tattoos and will never get one.
I have been married for a year to a man I never thought I would find.
It has been one of the best years of my life, if not the best.
One of my biggest accomplishments was finishing college.
It took me 6 years working sometimes 3 jobs at a time, but I finished.
I don't have a diploma. I got one, I just don't know where it is.
I have a BS in Kinesiology with a minor in Psychology.
I work in marketing.
I have a half brother and a half sister on different sides of my family that are the same age.
They have met 2 times in my life.
My mother and father were never married.
They split when I was 1.
My Mother is Quaker.
My Dad is Jewish.
I was Bat Mitzvah'd.
I don't believe in organized religion.
I do believe in God. Strongly. And Faith.
I suffer from depression off and on.
I try to stay off drugs though. (all drugs)
I am a very optimistic person the majority of the time.
When I am not optimistic, I know there is a problem.
I love to dance. To anything.
I don't hear words in music, I only hear beat. I usually pick up the chorus, but I can listen to a song for years and all of sudden realize what is being said.
I listen to country, jazz, classical, rap, hip hop, reggae.
My favorite is hip hop/rap.
But I am weaning myself off it, because my future children will not be listening to that smut.
I don't have a digital camera.
I don't have internet access at home.
I drive a 1996 car. It is 10 years newer than my last new car.
I drove a shit brown 1981 Honda Hatchback Wagon in college.
I hated the way I felt about myself when I drove that car.
I once spent a month in bed sick.
I will never do it again if I have a choice. My advice when you are sick, eat no matter what.
I lived in Mexico when I was little. Twice.
I spoke Spanish almost fluently.
I took 2 years of Spanish in Junior High and 1 year in high school.
I speak very little Spanish now. My Mom and sister speak it fluently.
I have had poetry I wrote as a child published.
I made a 76 on my driver's test.
I took the SAT's 3 times.
I lost my virginity 2 weeks before my 21st birthday.
He was an a**hole.
My dream car is the Volve SC90.
I want 2-3 kids and I want them soon. Not all at once though.
I want to always have enough money that we live comfortably and we want for nothing, but not too much money that we take it for granted.
I wish I lived closer to all my girlfriend's from high school.
I didn't used to get along with girls.
Now I value those friendships more than anything.
Secretly I think I was intimidated by other girls.
Now I know we are all insecure about the same things.
I consider myself weird.
Most of my friends would agree.
I am a liberal who believes the political system in the country is a farce, but I am thankful that we have a political system. It could be worse, we could live in Iraq or Mexico or any 3rd world country for that matter, where they don't even pretend to give the people a say.
I believe we know about 10% of what there really is to know about our country's government.
I like to read books by Dean Koontz, Patricia Cornwell and John Grisham.
As a kid I would go to the library and check out 30 books at a time and return them a week later for 30 more.
I didn't have many friends. (Moving around a lot)
If I could live anywhere in the world it would probably be in Hawaii as I want to live in the mountains on the ocean.
I hate wearing shoes.
I love, love, love buying shoes.
I have gotten so I go more for comfort than looks when buying shoes.
My favorite movie is Gone With the Wind.
My favorite book is The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. I love anything by Nicholas Sparks.
I am a sucker for reality shows.
I like watching people interact.
I wish people were more honest about who they are.
I tend to say too much about myself sometimes.
Tact and patience are not my best attributes.
I drive 80 on a regular basis.
I had my first ticket and my first accident within a day of each other.
I was 21.
I was sober for both.
I have done a keg stand, but never a beer bong.
I made shots for a living in college for 4 1/2 years.
I make a mean jello shot.
I hope I never have to wait tables again.
I was really good at it though.
I believe you should live life without regrets.
I've never in my life plucked my eyebrows.
I never want to. Ever.
I dream of being a Mother more than anything else.
I can drink a bottle of wine by myself and be fine.
Probably shouldn't be proud of that.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Meme Stealing
Three Names You Go By:
1. Jazzy
2. Jazzman
3. Shooter
Three Screennames You Have:(I don't really have screen names *gasp*)If I did, they would be:
1. Jazzman
2. shooter
3. boopbabbles
Three Things You Like About Yourself:
1. optimistic
2. humor
3. intelligence
Three Things You Dislike About Yourself:
1. impatience
2. depression
3. disorganization
Three Parts of Your Heritage:
1. Norwegian
2. German
3. English
Three Things That Scare You:
1. the way the world is today
2. not being able to have children
3. my parents dying
Three of Your Everyday Essentials:
1. Coffee and water
2. blogging
3. kisses from hubby
Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Black Knee boots
2. tank top
3. black pants
Three of Your Favorite Bands/Artists (at the moment):
1. Fisher Band
2. U2
3. Rascal Flats
Three of Your Favorite Songs at Present:
1. A Beautiful Day (Fisher Band)
2. Over and Over Again (Nelly feat. Tim McGraw)
3. Broken Road (Rascal Flats)
Three New Things You Want to Try in the Next 12 Months:
1. being pregnant
2. working out
3. a new car
Three Things You Want in a Relationship (love is a given):
1. Trust
2. Humor
3. Support
Two Truths and a Lie:
1. I have never been in a tanning bed.
2. I used to pick up hitch hikers with my Mom.
3. I used to coach gymnastics.
Three Physical Things About the Opposite Sex (or same) That Appeal to You:
1. eyes
2. legs
3. triceps
Three Things You Just Can't Do:
1. play basketball
2. ride a unicycle
3. a backflip
Three of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. Reading
2. Dancing
3. Photography
Three Things You Want to do Really Badly Right Now:
1. Sleep.
2. Start Christmas shopping.
3. see my sister
Three Careers You're Considering:
1. Mother
2. Photographer
3. Graphic Design
Three Places You Want to Go on Vacation:
1. Bali
2. Australia
3. Paris
Three Kids Names: (I don't share my future babies names because last time I did, they go ganked.)
1. Avery
2. Cameron
3. Tyler
Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
1. Have children.
2. Be happy with myself. Completely.
3. Find the perfect gift for my husband.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Them's fightin words
Back in my college days when I worked and played in bars all the time, I was little bit of a feisty bitch. Now I am not really a fighter at all and have calmed down in my old age, but there were times when you might beg to differ that I was not a fighter. Because I worked in bars and hung out in more bars, I knew most of the bouncers and therefore, I was a bitch because I could be. I had back up you see.
I enjoyed the look on people's faces (mostly obnoxious men) when I had had enough of whatever they were dishing and had already done my best impression of asking nicely for them to back off, when I would go get the bouncer and get them thrown out. Priceless. The I-can't-believe-she-did-this-to-me look.
Oddly enough, I have been in three pseudo "fights" in my life.
My first fight was ironically with one of the bouncers I worked with. He happened to be 6' 3" tall too. Mel and I were both off of work that night, so naturally we decided to hang out in the bar where we worked. Cheaper drinks this way. A couple of the bouncers were off as well and we had all been hanging around together. I just bought a brand new $150 George Strait felt hat. I'll wait until you are done laughing...
Yes this was back in my redneck days.
Anyways... Bill decided it would be funny to take my hat off my head. Redneck rule #1: NEVER TOUCH ANOTHER'S HAT. NEVER. Drunk Bill not only touched my hat, he took it off my head and promptly dropped it into a puddle of beer. Drunk Bill then promptly laughed his ass off. I calmly responded with the look of death and hissed through my teeth, "Touch my hat again and you will pay." Little old 5'3" me was going to make Big Tall Drunk Bill pay. It sounded good at the time.
So on with the night and then fun, until...Drunk Bill did it again. By IT, I mean that whole touching of the hat thing and dropping it in beer. I lost it. My went a little blank and I went a little crazy and well, I shoved him pretty hard. Had he been sober, he might have moved an inch, but luck was on my side and due to his inebriation, Drunk Bill went flying into the bar. Oops. Then he fell down. Oops. Then I punched and kicked him repeatedly. Oops. And when one of the other bouncers (who I happened to be dating) tried grabbing my hands behind my back to calm me down, well I shoved him too. Mel had been upstairs in the office and was coming down the stairs about half way through all this going WTF?! Bekah was in town visiting and didn't know what the heck was going on and who had possessed my normally quiet, kind body. Mel came flying down the stairs and knew enough not to touch me at that point. She carefully pinned me up against the wall and calmed me down.
And that, my friends, is my kicking ass story.
Missing the Mark
The holidays are kicking my ass.
My ass has been sufficiently kicked.
It can stop now.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
You like me, you really like me
Thank you Genuine for pimping me out. You are truly The King of Blog Whores and I am truly just a protige of yours. I hope that I can live up to your reputation at least a little bit.
So in the essence of blog whoring, I have added all that have requested to my blogroll. If you don't see your name and want to be added, just leave me a comment.
Don't forget to NOMINATE your favorite blogs over at the BoB Awards.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Continuous Whoring
It's my 30th Birthday!
Remember, Best Little Blog Whore in Texas. Might have to get a new skin if I win.
Saturday night all of her friends here in town went to dinner and out to "play" to celebrate her. We ate outside at Chuy's which was oh so cold - but saved us an hour wait. Then we went to a big adult toyland - no, not THAT kind of toyland, geesh, minds in the gutter this early on Monday morning! - we played arcade games and bowled and just had fun screaming and being silly!
More than once Jazzy has mentioned how much she loves her online friends - so I thought since you weren't all here to celebrate with us this weekend that maybe you would want to tell her happy birthday online! And for those of us who celebrated with her on Saturday night - today is the real day so go ahead and leave a comment also!
So here's what I was thinking - Jazzy is a whore - her own word - and we all know it is true. It shows up in two forms - 1st of all she's a comment whore - so please be sure to leave a comment here telling her happy birthday - how cool would it be for her to have just TONS and TONS and TONS of comments on her birthday - 2nd we all know she's a blog whore - so go to Blog Mechanics and nominate her for the Blog Whore catagory.
Jazzy, Happy Birthday!!!! I hope today is a great day for you! You have blessed my life in so many ways and I am so incredibly honored to call you my friend! Welcome to 30! I love you! ~ Em
Friday, December 10, 2004
My first step is to do a little linky love. First, if you don't see your name on my blogroll and you want to be added, just leave me a comment here with all the required info and I will add you to the blogroll.
Secondly, I will pimp out some of my favorite reads. In an effort to not only promote some blogs I try to read daily (see below), but to pimp myself out in return, here are some favorites not previously pimped before:
- Dell's Diner: She's a fellow Texas blogger and she has the cutest Nephew (until mine are born, then we'll have new cuteness!). Dell's fun, intellectual and openminded. And funny to boot. You guys know how I like funny.
- Michele: She's witty and fun and oh so creative. Home of the Site of the Day, blog it forward game. If you don't read her, well you are missing out on cocktail parties and the such. Go see her and tell her Jazzy sent you.
- Scared of Left Turns: Maxxipunk reminds me of myself at her age, so I'm reliving my early twenties through her. Of course she is funny and she is also a native Texas girl so what's not to like?
- A View From the Bleachers: A friend of mine at work that reads my blog commented one day that she hadn't really found a lot of blogs of people that go out as much as we do. The first blog that came to mind was this one. He has great dating advice even though he is married. His bar tales are always amusing.
- The Second Time Around: Brandie's tales of college life as well as her Thursday Bookroom are always an interesting read. She has a crazy life, but still finds time to enjoy the things around her.
The following are reasons why I think yours truly should be nominated for the Biggest Blog Whore.
- Upon leaving for my trip to NM, I knew I would be without my beloved blogging, so I got me not one, but two guest bloggers.
- Also upon leaving for my trip, I went through my blogroll and printed out 200 plus pages to read on my trip so that I could at least catch up with those I hadn't gotten to before leaving town.
- I finished said 200 plus pages before arriving in NM.
- My trip wasn't the first time I printed out blogs to take home with me. I do it on a regular basis.
- I blog more than I work.
- I have missed a meeting due to being so engrossed in reading a blog.
- I think of my blog friends as much as I think of my "real" friends.
- If I do not read at least one of these on a daily basis, I am not whole. Dooce, Genuine, RudeCactus, SoTheFishSaid.
- I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about a post.
- I have left myself a voicemail on my work phone while driving into work about a post.
- I want to be just like Genuine, who I have already dubbed The King of Blog Whores. Go tell him Genuine Bash III (I am missing Genuine Bash II due to my birthday) should be a Pimp and Blog Ho Party.
- And the best reason to vote for me as the Biggest Blog Whore: I can be dubbed, The Best Little Blog Whore in Texas.
So there you go. Go VOTE for all your favorites, even if I'm not one of them. Voting is open now.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Oh hell...
For some reason my IT department thinks that The Zero Boss is somehow into bad things and I get the Big Red Hand (BRH) when I try to go into his site. Unfortunately I also get the BRH when I try to comment on any site that is hosted by the dear Zero Boss. I like The Zero Boss and feel a little like the little girl that doesn't get to play with the cool kids. Bah Humbug. (Side note for all you people thinking I should just change over to something else. I don't have a computer with internet at home so I do all my blog whoring at work. Shhh don't tell.)
Anyway back to my comments issue. Not on my site on other people's site. I was trying to comment on Mir's site and could not. So Mir, because I think I am important (I said I need therapy) and that what I have to say is important (therapy again) I am posting my comment here in hopes that some dear person who can access everything that the cool kids are doing will pass it along. So dear Mir:
Well, I was trying to comment on your most recent post, but for some reason my IT department feels as thought The Zero Boss is not suitable for mine eyes...
Woman I cannot believe no one wants to give you a job. If I had all the money in the world, I would convince you to move to Texas (no small feat I am sure) and pay you to humorize my life. Your writing and creativity are unstoppable. Seriously, I would pay you to make my life seem fun. Someone give this woman a job for pete's sake.
And while you are at it, figure out what smut The Zero Boss could possibly be attached to because I am cool damnit and I want to play with the cool kids.
Any ideas?
My social calendar has been a bit full lately, which I really do enjoy since I spent the better part of my childhood lacking social anything, but tonight I am really looking forward to no socialization. I am going home and am going to be completely alone (for you stalkers, I have a shotgun under the bed and I know how to use it. Yes I am serious.) Alone. I haven't been alone in like 3 weeks. As much as I like my socialization and I mean I love me some people's around, I also need my alone time. I have had none. As much as I miss the hubby, I am so looking forward to going home and being alone. I'm going to work on the house that we moved in to two weeks ago that I have spent exactly 8 days in and I'm going unpack. I'm going to drink me some wine. I am going to watch me some mindless TV and I'm going to go to sleep and get up at a normal time. And I'm THRILLED about it all.
Buh Bye.
Dorkus me version II
Cut to this morning. Alarm went off once and I hit the required snooze button. I lay there pretending like I might go back to sleep for a very long time. Long enough to realize that my alarm should have gone off again. First ignored clue. Time on clock 7:23 AM. I set my clock ahead half an hour even though I know it is set half an hour ahead, it works for me. I don't know WHY.
I got up, turned on the shower and shuffled my ass to the kitchen for coffee. I am still learning to use the coffee maker we got for our wedding, because although it is a year old, I chose not to use it until I moved into a house that is 35 minutes away from work... Moving right along. I have tried to learn to program my coffee maker so that I can set it the night before and wake up to coffee that can be poured directly into my mouth before my shower. Not so much. The first day it worked, yesterday it didn't. So this morning when I shuffled in and went to get my coffee and there was none, well I thought, duh, what did I do wrong? I don't have my glasses on yet and am squinting at the clock thingie and it says 6:00 AM. I hit program. 6:30 AM. Hit it again. 6:00 AM. Um, huh? Is this thing telling me it's 6:00 AM? Stand in kitchen confused looking for another clock. Realize house is not unpacked all the way and no clocks are up yet. Walk back to bedroom and look at cell phone. 6:01 AM. Look at alarm clock. 7:31 AM. SHIT!
Go back to kitchen, turn on coffee pot and get in shower. #$^@#$^%@$#
Rules of (Holiday) Engagement
'Tis the Season to be Jolly. Pay attention.
1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.
2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. Like fine single-malt scotch, it's rare. In fact, it's even rarer than single-malt scotch. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-aholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!
3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy Eat the volcano. Repeat.
4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.
5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?
6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.
7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.
8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or, if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?
9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.
10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Reread all tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner.
Remember this motto to live by: "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"
Make Believe
Here are some more MUYOW words to get you started. Comment and add your own. Don't forget to tell us how it's pronounced and it's meaning.
Pronounced just like it looks. When someone talks so fast and has so much spittle that it constantly comes out of their mouth, spraying the person they are talking to with a spit shower.
Pronounced grump a rump us. Used to describe someone who is in a foul mood such as my husband when he has not eaten all day or has just been awakened from a nap.
Pronounced... Wizzzzzzard. Bathroom, ladies room, etc... "I'm off to see the Wizzzzard."
Your turn.

The Best of Blogs is Here!

Well Genuine and The Zero Boss have done what they do best yet again. Creating tradition and excitement in the blog world. Go check it out at http://www.blogmechanics.com/bob/. These are awards for "real" blogs. My words, not theirs. Personal blogs not political or ad blogs. Nominations start tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
I feel like...
That's how I feel.
I know it's selfish, but all I want to do after work is go home and stare un-thinkingly at the TV. I do not want to drive an hour and a half in traffic, past the Galleria to my parents house for Hanukkah. I do not want to have to worry about having an allergy attack because of yet another cat. Why does my entire family have to have cats!? NEWSFLASH!!! Cats make me sick! I like cats, I really do, but they make my eyes bug out and my lungs stop working. Bah! I do not want to come home at 10 PM and crawl into a bed without my hubby. Bah!
On a good note, I bought this today and I can't help but smile when I hear the first song! Jinglemush.
Your Element Is Air |
![]() You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world. And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly. Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life. You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful. You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person. With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! |
Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days and nights, starting on the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar (which is November-December on the Gregorian calendar). In Hebrew, the word "Hanukkah" means "dedication."
The holiday commemorates the rededication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem after the Jews' 165 B.C.E. victory over the Hellenist Syrians. Antiochus, the Greek King of Syria, outlawed Jewish rituals and ordered the Jews to worship Greek gods.
In 168 B.C.E. the Jews' holy Temple was seized and dedicated to the worship of Zeus.
Some Jews were afraid of the Greek soldiers and obeyed them, but most were angry and decided to fight back.
The fighting began in Modiin, a village not far from Jerusalem. A Greek officer and soldiers assembled the villagers, asking them to bow to an idol and eat the flesh of a pig, activities forbidden to Jews. The officer asked Mattathias, a Jewish High Priest, to take part in the ceremony. He refused, and another villager stepped forward and offered to do it instead. Mattathias became outraged, took out his sword and killed the man, then killed the officer. His five sons and the other villagers then attacked and killed the soldiers. Mattathias' family went into hiding in the nearby mountains, where many other Jews who wanted to fight the Greeks joined them. They attacked the Greek soldiers whenever possible.
About a year after the rebellion started, Mattathias died. Before his death, he put his brave son Judah Maccabee in charge of the growing army. After three years of fighting, the Jews defeated the Greek army, despite having fewer men and weapons.
Judah Maccabee and his soldiers went to the holy Temple, and were saddened that many things were missing or broken, including the golden menorah. They cleaned and repaired the Temple, and when they were finished, they decided to have a big dedication ceremony. For the celebration, the Maccabees wanted to light the menorah. They looked everywhere for oil, and found a small flask that contained only enough oil to light the menorah for one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days. This gave them enough time to obtain new oil to keep the menorah lit. Today Jews celebrate Hanukkah for eight days by lighting candles in a menorah every night, thus commemorating the eight-day miracle.
Ma'oz Zur - This popular hymn is sung after the candles are lit. The song recalls the miraculous defeat of Israel's enemies over the generations.
Chanukah Gelt - Chanukah Money. Chanukah Gelt is distributed to children after the candle lighting.
Dreidel - "Spinning top." While the lights are burning, it is customary for the children to play a "put and take" type game with a spinning top, called Dreidel. On the sides of the top are Hebrew letters that both indicate the rules of the game and offer a mnemonic of a Hebrew phrase indicating that "a great miracle happened here."
Happy Hannukah to all of you out there who are celebrating it. I will be going to my parents this evening to celebrate. One of my cousins who I haven't seen in about 15 years is in town with her 12 year old son, so I am excited to get to see them.
I hope to catch up soon on my blogroll, but work is keeping me busy for now.
Hello, blog world, I miss you, but will be back soon.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Monday, December 06, 2004
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Can You Say...Slacker?
I am so glad to have "met" her through blogging, as I am glad to have met SO MANY people here in the blogosphere. You all truly mean so much to me and in some cases have been better friends than those in "real life" have been in some instances. I love everything about blogging...I can get my thoughts and feelings out there (and we all know how helpful it can be to get those out of your head) and I can interact with people in a way that otherwise would be impossible. I've met people from every background, every religion, every part of the world and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Thanks, Jazzy for inviting me to fill the space here that would have been void with your absence. Can't wait to have you back! If you are reading, anyone, take a second and tell us about your most profound experience with blogging...
Welcome back Jazzy, we all missed you!
~ JuJuBee~
He's Done it Again
In steps Genuine, the knight in shining armor. He tried walking me through it several different ways but Blogger and Hello were NOT working with us. So then I gave him my login and password for B.E. and he tried to do it FOR me. (All the while another friend of mine was trying to also help me figure out what I had done wrong.) Ryan is my resident computer genius but he wasn't home to help. Bottom line was I was not going to get my banners up - they simply weren't working - something about where I was hosting the images - I didn't do something right but none of us could figure out what I had done wrong.
Finally about midnight Genuine takes over completely (which was fine with me because I was tired and getting even more frustrated) and next thing I know he says that they are there and just waiting for B.E. to approve them. I won't tell you what he did to make it work but let's just say he is the sweetest guy! So it won't be long before you could see my banners pop up when you are surfing B.E.
I promised to give another plug for his company and their awards in appreciation for all of his help. So here it is:
Genuine and The Zero Boss are starting up a company (officially starting in January) that will help bloggers with design, traffic, content review, etc, etc, etc. For now the only advertising is word of mouth. So tell people about this. Their company is called Blog Mechanics and you can check out their website at www.blogmechanics.com. It is still in process because they aren't really up and running yet - but go see them anyway!
They are also sponsoring a new set of blog awards. Apparently political blogs are taking over and real blogs aren't getting recognized like they should. So the BoB (Best of Blogs) Awards are being created. Both Blog Mechanics and Genuine will have current updates on the process for nominations I'm sure.
Okay - I've given their plugs! And not just because I told him I would but because he deserves it. So go on over and ask Genuine or The Zero Boss what Blog Mechanics can do for you!!!!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Jazzy will be back on Monday!
Friday, December 03, 2004
I Got In !
I wish I had some witty stories to share, sadly I do not, so I will take this opportunity to complain about my driver's license picture. I went in this morning and had a picture taken for my license and don't you know it's just horrible. I am four months pregnant, so for the next four years I have to see this swollen-faced picture of myself with bad hair. Four years! Can't I just "lose" it after I have lost all of the baby weight and gotten a really cute haircut so I can come back for a new picture? Ok! I will!
I promise next time to have something of substance to say. In the meantime Em will keep you entertained...if you are reading, Jazzy:
Hi! We miss you!
~ JuJuBee
Good Morning to Jazzy's Friends
I'm hoping that JuJuBee is going to keep you all entertained this morning and when I fully wake up I'll come back and play again. K?
Until then enjoy your Friday!!!!!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Preparing for Airport...fun
Here's hoping:
- I don't have to take my shoes off at the airport.
- My flight is on time and I'm not seated next to any of the following: Mr. Haven't taken a shower in days-stinky person or Mr./Ms. Talky Pants, a screaming or obnoxious child, or anyone that will keep me from reading the 500 pages of blogs I have printed out to catch up on.
- I have a calm/normal visit with my Mother. The kind of visit that lacks yelling, huffiness and hurt feelings.
- That I get to feel the babies move.
- That my sister's cat does not make me sicker than hell.
- That I get to see snow and that it doesn't end up down my pants
- That my head stays warm. Not likely since I forgetted my hat.
- That we make the trip safely from Albuquerque to Taos without my Mother scaring the crap out of me. (My mother took me out on a cliff-road to teach me how to drive in ice, fun stuff-let me tell you)
I really wish hubby was going with me, but alas, 4 tickets in 3 months is a little much for our budget right now.
Alas, don't fret, JuJuBee and Em will be here guest blogging with their wonderful sense of humors and their fun so please stop by while I am gone.
Well color me green
Stolen from Brandie:
You Are Tequilla |
![]() When you drink, you're serious about getting drunk! You'll take any shot that's offered up to you... Even if it tastes like sock sweat! And you're never afraid of eating the worm. |
It's the little things
Cool Feelings
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
My apologies
WARNING#2: Long post to follow. I'm cleansing. If you are looking for light hearted, you might want to skip this post.
I have been very introspective lately. Looking into myself as I do quite a bit. I was just reading the latest post over at Purple Goddess and it added to my self inspection. (Note: I am linking to her because I enjoy her blog not because I am calling her out.)
She says, "Because really, how often does one find herself, in her early 30s, trying to figure out who she is? Didn't we all think that we had gotten that over with in high school and our early 20's? Do we ever really think we are going to have to do it AGAIN, as an adult?"
I commented something to the effect of the following:
I don't think we ever stop finding ourselves. Every year we experience changes, some small and some large. Large changes generally create a larger ripple that causes changes in our lives more rapidly, but small changes are different. Small changes build up over time and we find that we stop one day and look at ourselves and say, "When did I become this different person? When did my beliefs/actions/reactions change to certain situations." We find that we are different people all of a sudden without us even realizing it. The process of finding one's self is a continuous, never ending process as long as we continue to learn and grow and feel new things and have new experiences. All that we do and see and experience everyday changes who we are. Imagine how the Grand Canyon was created over millions of years. The water cut through rock, slowly changing the course of the Canyon. People are the same way. Our experiences cut through our rocks, our souls, our personalities and change who we are. It is the people who are rigid, who do not allow their rocks to change, that do not learn from mistakes and let new things change them, it is these people that lose the continuous finding of oneself. They lose in the end I think, because I imagine when they have no where else to go, they do the ultimate searching for themselves and don't know how to find it.
I try to continually find myself and better myself and always be honest with myself above all else. My motto in life is "Live life so you have no regrets." Not all of the experiences in my life have been good ones. I have struggled a lot of my life to find myself, but I have learned that all of those experiences have shaped the person I am today and most of the time I like that person so I value all of my experiences. Good and bad. There are times when I long for the heartbreaking ache you get in very low times, because these are the times when I know I have made the best changes in my life. These are the times when I have taken control and made a decision and learned from my mistakes and moved on and found my newest self. These aches are the etching of our rocks, without them, our canyon would not grow and change and become the beautiful thing it is today and tomorrow and the next day.
I cannot remember exactly when depression became a conscious part of my being, but it was some time early in my childhood. I was a quiet child. I was born pigeon-toed and therefore fell down a lot. Most of the time when I was walking around, I did so with my head bent to the ground so that I was less likely to trip over things. We moved a lot when I was young and I had a hard time adjusting to new people and places. I tended to blend into the background. I was a people pleaser so I tended to do what I thought everyone wanted me to do. I was a chameleon. I did not have an opinion, give me whatever opinion you would like for me to have. I was a timid child, growing up in a household where my mother yelling was akin to the roar of a lion and I would cower. I tended to cower any time any one was upset with me or criticized me whether it was constructive or not. My parents split when I was one and therefore I had two sets of parents to keep happy. I spent the majority of my childhood torn between two very different worlds. I was who each parent wanted me to be while I was with them. I had no real identity and didn't realize that it was possible. But not only was I a people pleaser, I expected other people to make me happy. This is a sure sign of a problem. I was like this until I was in my early twenties. A lot of my behavior I believe came from watching my Mother.
In junior high I had disappointments, but I usually got over them fairly quickly. I slowly learned to be myself and experiment with who I wanted to be. I did this by making friends of all different types. Friends never seemed to be able to fulfill all my expectations and I spent a good deal of time dealing with my disappointment. Because I expected more than was even reasonable (again asking that they make me happy) I was almost always disappointed.
In high school I finally was becoming my own person to some extent, but I still had unrealistic expectations of others. I also lived in fear of my step-mother and had fairly strict rules in my parents house. (parents being my Dad and Stepmom) My senior year, my depression dug in and got the better of me. I pushed all of my friends away and withdrew. I then turned around and said that my friends had abandoned me. I cried a lot, but always put on a fairly strong front so no one ever really knew what I was going through, even me sometimes.
In college I finally truly had the opportunity to decide for myself who I wanted to be. I did not have anyone in my life that had previously been there before. I was a couple hundred miles away from my parents, but by the middle of my sophomore year I had pretty much cut all ties with my parents.
I met my college best friend my freshman year and we did everything together. She was my 2nd true soul friend (the first being in high school, but I couldn't appreciate it then). We were attached at the hip. In my first senior year, (I had three), her real senior year, we had boyfriends that were also best friends. Her relationship didn't last long, mine did. She eventually got a new boyfriend, but the damage to our friendship had been done. We grew apart in the way that friends do when boyfriends come between them. When my relationship ended, she had moved on and I had no one to turn to, so again I turned inward. For some reason as much as I always saw my mother as weak, I also always viewed her as the strongest person I knew. I have always been stubborn about asking for help and I am sure I always will be to some extent. It used to fall into the too much expectation bucket. I expected people to know when I needed help. Now I am just stubborn and prideful. I am better though.
When Mel and I went our separate ways and my break up occurred, I was around 22 or 23 years old, lost again all of a sudden. I took a look at my mother and her life and all the struggles she had in her life and realized that she continued to fight the same battles over and over, never seeming to learn from her mistakes. I decided then and there that I was tired of being a victim. I was tired of expecting others to make me happy. I was ready to truly become myself, to truly love myself. My turning point I think in my depression at the time was the day I decided I was going to a movie. I didn't really have anyone to go with, so I went alone. I saw The Evening Star, probably not the best choice of a movie to see alone when you are depressed, but I made the decision and stuck to it. My reasoning was "I want to see a movie so I am going to see a movie and not having anyone to go with should not stop me from going to the movies." So I went. It was a little sad, but it was empowering. But this was only the beginning.
In my 5th year in college, life seemed to be going well. I was used to working my butt off to pay for college and used to being broke and some times irresponsible with my bills. I was stressed at the time, but this seemed to be the state of my life.
I was leaving Austin to come back to Houston for Easter when, wham, I pulled out into a semi-blind intersection and got T-boned. All hell broke loose. At the time of the accident I had a warrant for an unpaid speeding ticket. When the accident happened I flipped out and called the only close friend I had at the time and he couldn't come get me. I was standing in the middle of the road screaming and begging the woman that hit me (accident was technically my fault, failing to yield to oncoming traffic) to not call the police. I was completely irrational. Long story short, the cops agreed to let the warrant slide since they saw how freaked out I was. Neither party was hurt, but I was emotionally flipped out. My sister took me to Houston because that was the only thing that was going to appease me at that time.
A couple weeks later I got sick. It started with 103 degree fever and ended with me bedridden for almost a month. During this time I was going to the doctor almost on a daily basis, but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep and eventually I could hardly walk. I lost 20 pounds. I had to drop out of school and move out of my apartment and in with my sister. I could not drive. I had to take baths because I didn't have the strength to stand in the shower. Eventually my diagnosis was Bronchitis, sinusitus and severe depression. The first two would have not knocked me out had it not been for the latter. I was placed on antibiotics and antidepressants. I eventually recovered. During this time none of my friends visited or really even called. A close friend recently told me that she didn't realize how bad I was. I guess I didn't really tell anyone how bad it was. My Mom and sister and my parents were the only one's who knew the whole story and truly I don't think any of them really understood how depressed I was. I gave up. I didn't care any more. I am one of the most optimistic people despite my depression and I would never harm myself, but I became apathetic and I just didn't care any more.
Since that time I have battled with depression and probably do so more than I care to admit. I hate being on medication and avoid even headache medicine unless it is absolutely necessary. I will however never allow myself to become that weak and apathetic again. I will get on medication if I absolutely must. If I find that my thoughts are only negative and I cannot chase them away; if I find that I have thoughts of harming myself, even though I know I will not; if I find that I am no longer in control, then I will look to medication.
Why the cleansing? Well, lately I have been thinking about the possibility that I am borderline bi-polar. I have always thought that my Mother is bi-polar and if not bi-polar, at least borderline. During our pre-marital counseling with our priest, I made a reference to this and his response was, "Most likely you are too." A lot of members of my family have battled with depression. I hate the helpless feeling and I hate that I cannot just fix it.
Who am I now that I have been married for a year and am a part of a couple? Who am I now that I have a circle of friends, more than one actually? Who am I now that I have established myself in a career?
I am not looking for a solution just yet, I am looking for my newest self. Patience is a virtue that I am actively seeking within my own life. I am rediscovering myself.
Because I can
So in my absence you guys better be nice to my guest bloggers. Drum roll please.
Thanks guys. I owe you one. I just might bring you back a little present from NM just cuz I'm nice like that.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Is this thing on?
I'm going to go pout now.
Guest Blogging
Since I am a blogger member, I haven't figured out how to have multiple people sign in and guest blog. If you know how I could do this so all of you could guest blog, let me know. Otherwise, I will have to pick one of my blog friends to be my guest.
So who wants to guest blog? If you want to guest blog, answer the following question. I will pick the "winner" on Thursday morning.
What has been the single most important influence on your life and why?
May the best blogger win! GO!
Him: Oakey
Him: oakey dokey
Him: oakiehoma
Him: oakey dokey
Him: yeah, oakey
I love Him.
Monday, November 29, 2004
The good old days
Me: Ours (Thanksgiving) was good. We packed most of the day on Thursday and then went
to my family's for dinner. Friday I worked. Saturday we moved and
yesterday we cleaned the old apartment. I'm exhausted!
Friend from College: You sound like you should be in a coma.
Me: I'm at work and got up at 5:45 in order to get to work by 7:30 this
morning. Yea, me!
Friend from College: Somewhere there is a young Jazzy laughing because she used to go out until 3:30 am go get breakfast until 4-5 am then go sleep off some type of drunken
stupor whether it was alcohol involved or just a high from having a great
night then rise early in the morning about 8 or so and off to school and the
start of another day. Always smiling....
Oh, the good old days...
Aunt Jemima
Answers to your questions
Helene asked, "What is your ideal day?"
My ideal day would be waking up whenever I felt like it and getting breakfast in bed that neither myself or hubby had to cook. Breakfast would be eggs and hashbrowns and sausage with coffee and orange juice. We would then spend time "snuggling" in bed. Next we would go for a walk in perfect 75 degree, no humidity weather with a slight breeze. Upon return from our walk, we would go have lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. (We have so many, so we would have to wait and pick at the time.) We would then come home, take a nap for as long as we wanted. For dinner we would go to a fine dining restaurant and enjoy good food and wine and dessert. We would eat all we wanted without getting so full we are sick, but full enough that we are no longer hungry. We would then come home, take a bubble bath and fall into bed completely content.
Lizt asked, "Do you remember your first kiss? Then, spill it."
I honestly don't remember my first kiss. I think it was some time 5th grade and it was during a game of truth or dare. One of those, I dare you to kiss so-and-so for 5 minutes, where you sat there with your eyes open and your lips locked, no tongue, pretty boring kisses. My first real kiss with a "boyfriend", was probably in 6th grade also, but it was still just a peck. If I had to guess, my first real, knees knocking kiss, was probably in 8th grade with my first real love. And the rest is history as they say.
Sara asked, "What is your happiest memory? What is your greatest fear?"
My happiest memory is probably my wedding and honeymoon. I have a lot of happy memories, but in my recent life this is definitely the happiest. I was happy that day for many reasons. I was glad it was finally going to be over with. I was so happy that I was lucky enought to be marrying a man that was truly my best friend and all that goes with it.
My greatest fear is probably not being able to have children. As I get closer and closer to being ready to start a family, I am terrified that I will not be able to concieve. My friends that are parents already tell me that this is a natural fear. I am also very fearful of being attacked. I have always been this way and when a member of my family was attacked when I was in high school, the fear manifested itself even more.
Nathan, profound man that he is, asked, "Do you think that SPAM (the canned, psuedo-meat of the 70s) will ever make a comeback, given the fact that it's name is now used to refer to undesired, bulk email?"
I don't even know how to begin to respond to this. I have never in my life eaten SPAM and hope that I am never forced to as it makes me sick to even look at it. As for the fact that unwanted email is now called SPAM, well perhaps there is a similarity between the nasty looking "meat" and what we get in our inboxes spewing viagra and rolexes and bigger boobs and such. I haven't kept a close eye on SPAM sales, but I imagine that although it probably still exists, the mass amounts of food choices we have now would come before the choice to ingest SPAM. That's just my opinion though.
I think that's all of them, but if I missed yours, let me know.
We are finally in the house. We have a lot of unpacking left to do, but we have spent two whole nights there in our new King size bed that feels like you are sleeping on clouds. Heavenly sleep under a down comforter. Still getting used to the down as we live in Texas and it just hasn't gotten that cold yet. The move went well and we are pretty much exhausted, but happy to be in our new home. Thanks to all of you who sent well wishes.
The new house is about 15 minutes farther from work than our apartment was so this morning I woke up at 5 OMG 45 early. I'm not used to this and I am already beginning to fall asleep and it's not even 9:00 AM yet. Snooze.
Today is hubby and I's one year anniversary. We are looking forward to breaking open the wedding cake and toasting with wine my parents brought us yesterday. A new house is the best anniversary present I think we will ever get. This past year has been wonderful and I can't wait for the next 50, 60, or 70 years. We were meant to be together and that shows everyday. I love you CH. You're the best a woman could want. Sorry, kids that's all the sap you get as the rest is reserved for hubby.
Have a happy Monday! I know that's paradoxical, but try.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Giddy with holiday cheer
I am also seriously considering going to buy a Christmas tree and setting that up while I wait in the empty house. This is odd for so many reasons. Normally I am a week-before Christmas type of gal. I don't want to listen to holiday music before a week before Christmas. I do very little shopping before the week of the holiday. I don't have holiday cheer until the week of. But this year is different.
This year we are in our first house. This year is our one year anniversary. On top of that, the lobby of the hotel I work at is decked out and ready for the holiday and it is so absolutely beautimous that I smile every time I walk through it and I cannot wait for Christmas. This is the life.
I am sitting at my desk blogging, listening to the Texas vs. Texas A&M game, (Hook Em! Go Longhorns!) and counting the minutes til my event tonight when I can see the spirit of the season in the eyes of children.
Hoping you are having as blessed a day as I am. Here's to holiday cheer!
Turkey Day and all that Jazz
We headed into town about 3:00 to visit with Great Aunt B and then headed to my families Thanksgiving destination for stuffage. Hubby and I in our packing frenzy only stopped long enough to scarf down two Eggos each so we were starved and thankful for food of any kind by the time we got the my family's house.
It was calm and casual and I managed not to stuff myself beyond comfort. I only ate dinner in order to get my Stepmom's pumpkin pie. After dinner and dessert I was told I was a grown up (really?) and could have dessert first if I wanted it. What a waste! Not really, everything at dinner was delicious.
We stopped by my MIL and saw Nana and MIL. Watched a little Grinch and then headed home.
I'm at work today and trying very hard not to work. I have an event this evening so it just made sense to work the whole day. Trying to catch up on my Blogroll which is getting out of hand.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a great weekend.
We are moving into our new/first house tomorrow and I am jumping out of my skin with excitement. I can't wait to wake up that first day in our new home.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for:
our first home
a year married to my wonderful husband
my wonderful family
my friends
that I have a job that I love (most of the time)
that I have a roof over my head and the means to play as much as we do
that I have a car that runs (I hope I am not tempting fate with that one)
and much more...
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Happy Turkey Day
Wishing all of you in Blog world a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.
Enjoy family and friends and bring back lots of blog fodder.
There's no place like home
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
No House
I'm still taking questions. I will answer any and all questions on Friday. Yes, I will be at work on Friday.
From the previous post, my answers are:
1. Houston, TX
2. I deathly afraid of dying in a car accident.
3. I want my house deal to FINALLY go through. Also a digital camera.
Ask your questions... Ask away... What? I can't hear you. Ask again?
Monday, November 22, 2004
Where are you?
1. Where do you live? If you don't want to be specific in city, just tell me a state.
2. Something interesting about yourself that I can't read on your blog.
3. The gift you most want to receive this holiday season.
Boopy Tales
Friday, November 19, 2004
coffee and tea all for me
That was not my intent!
I think I deserve a new pair of jeans. 27 more minutes til 5:00 and I don't know if I will make it.
I know this. Most of the people that know me, know this. I still feel the need to re-affirm it every damn day.
This thought just ruptured my brainwaves...
"Bite off my head and call me Shirley"
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Guess what time it is?
I just said, "I get good options." to a co-worker and it somehow sounded dirty. Still laughing...
This is the lady I renamed Lula, because well it fit her better than her real name. She renamed me Atty. I had to ask why. Because of my attitude. I have a very short fuse for stupid people. And childish ones also. And lazy ones. Did I mention it feels like I babysit 7 managers (grown up ones) on a daily basis?
Next weekend will be my one year wedding anniversary. What have I learned in the one year I have been married?
- I've learned that sometimes neither of you are right and neither of you are wrong, you are both just in a bad mood.
- I've learned that sometimes it's the situation not the person that annoys you.
- I've learned that what I imagined love to be for 28 years was not nearly as good as the love I have experienced in the last 2 years.
- I've learned that I hate seeing my husband stressed.
- I've learned that if I scratch his neck, he will forever be grateful to me. If I do it every single day, well then he doesn't complain and whine.
- I've learned that I can drink a half a bottle of wine and not be hungover.
- I've learned that there is no one I have more fun with than my husband.
- I've learned what it is like to be told "I love you" in the middle of the night, almost every night.
- I've learned what it is like to be told I am beautiful in the middle of the night. (No we are not doing THAT, nor is he trying to get THAT.)
- I've learned what it really means to be taken care of by someone other than my parents.
- I've learned that I can always be a better person and he makes me want to be everyday.
Collective Awwwww
Onward with the randomness
For some reason at lunch yesterday I was reminded of a high school experience with a bed.
Not THAT kind of experience! It was my junior year in high school and I was part of BBYO (no, not Bring Beer of Your Own) but B'nai Brith Youth Organization. Yes, half of me is Jewish. The other half, well I haven't found it yet. So anyways... In BBYO there are like 5 girl groups and 5 boy groups and the girl groups nominate boys from the 5 boy groups to become there Beaus. Each year, 4 boys are picked as Beau Nominees and get to be spoiled and such by the girls and at the end of 6 weeks or so (I don't remember exactly anything) the girl group votes for one of the boys to be their Beau. Said boy is then Beau for the next year and gets to hang out with a bunch of girls all the time. What more could a high school boy ask for? On the flipside (did I really just say flipside?) the boy groups nominate 4 girls for Sweetheart and said girls get to hang out with group of boys for 6 weeks (yea!) and at the end of 6 six weeks the boys vote for their Sweetheart.
You still with me? You in the corner, wake up, you're drooling!
Anyways, my junior year, I got nominated for Sweetheart. Normally when you get nominated you find out by the boys surprising you at some ungodly hour in the morning and kidnapping you to go pick up the rest of the Noms (nominees, stay with me). Well, mine wasn't so much as surprise because, long story short, one of my good friends did not get nominated and her mother felt the need to call my stepmother for some mean reason that I can't remember now, and for some other reason I can't remember now, my stepmother told me that I had been nominated. I think she was just so excited and was worried that my friend might say something so she told me first.
Moving on with boring story... The morning of Nom pick up I had trouble sleeping. I had picked out my prettiest/cool/I look good in the morning pajamas and I was ready! At 5:00 AM that Saturday morning, I lay in my bed as I heard the bus stop outside. As I pretending to sleep, I heard 30 boys "sneak" into my room and before I knew what hit me, they all jumped on top of my bed. And then the bed broke! I hadn't even done THAT yet for the first time, but here I was with 30 boys in my bed and the bed broke. Only now does the irony hit...
I'll leave you for now with that sordid little tale.
How to pick up chicks
Scared for his life, the horse whinnied for the chicken to go get the farmer for help! Off the chicken ran, back to the farm. Arriving at the farm, he searched and searched for the farmer, but to no avail, for he had gone to town with the only tractor.
Running around, the chicken spied the farmer's new Harley. Finding the keys in the ignition, the chicken sped off with a length of rope hoping he still had time to save his friend's life.
Back at the bog, the horse was surprised, but happy, to see the chicken arrive on the shiny Harley, and he managed to get a hold of the loop of rope the chicken tossed to him. After tying the other end to the rear bumper of the farmer's bike, the chicken then drove slowly forward and, with the aid of the powerful bike, rescued the horse!Happy and proud, the chicken rode the Harley back to the farmhouse and the farmer was none the wiser when he returned.
The friendship between the two animals was cemented: Best Buddies, Best Pals.
A few weeks later, the chicken fell into a mud pit, and soon, he too, began to sink and cried out to the horse to save his life! The horse thought a moment, walked over, and straddled the large puddle. Looking underneath, he told the chicken to grab his hangy-down thing and he would then lift him out of the pit. The chicken got a good grip, and the horse pulled him up and out, saving his life.
The moral of the story?
"When You're Hung Like A Horse, You Don't Need A Harley To Pick Up Chicks...........
Today's the Day
Today is the day we should find out for sure if we get our house. Our first house. Hubby and I are stressed to no end and are close to biting each other's heads off. And not the kind that praying mantis do after, well, you know. So if you are a prayer, please say a prayer for us today that we finally see an end to all of this stress that has been going on for 2 months now and that we get the house if we deserve it. Thanks.